Any Nation whose people believe in an idea would also want their future generations to adopt such ideas so as to preserve them. This culture of a Nation is what determines a people's civilisation, the nation's goals, and their way of life. Such people are moulded into one Nation based on this culture. And it is this culture that distinguishes one nation from another. This also holds true for the Muslim Ummah.
What is meant by culture is the Aqeedah and what emanates from this Aqeedah in terms of Ahkams, solutions and systems; and what is based upon the Aqeedah such as other knowledge, sciences and the history linked to this culture (biography of the Ummah). If this culture is lost, it will lead to the demise of the Ummah as a distinguished Ummah; the objective of the Ummah and her way of life will be changed and she will be left following the culture of other nations
The culture of any nation forms the personalities of its peoples. So it shapes the way a person passes judgements. It also shapes the desires and inclinations. As a result it influences the aqliyah (Thinking) and nafsiyah (behaviour). Therefore, preserving the culture of the Ummah and spreading it within society is one of the main responsibilities of the Khilafah.
The education system is the way to preserve this culture in the hearts and minds of the Ummah. This is true for any nation. This type of education runs according to the system and laws the State adopts and the State is responsible to ensure such a system functions through the administration, curriculum development and maintenance, employing teachers, how to deliver the subjects, etc.
This cultural threat is not one that has passed with the passing of time. With the Ummah reclaiming her understanding and adherence to the Islamic culture, the Western world has again realised that the only way to keep the Ummah from re-establishing the Khilafah is to again re-culture her. This reality is no more obvious than in the UK with the Government's initiatives to empower Muslim women and youth so they become full contributing participants of the British society; to teach Citizenship studies and the Capitalistic way of life within schools; to make the following of specific Islamic thoughts and practices as extremist and unacceptable.
What needs to be made clear is the education system of any nation depends on the government to ensure it itself is fully functional. To ensure it serves its purpose of safeguarding the ideas and propagating them to future generations requires regulations and governance. The Soviet Union used her education system to ensure no foreign ideas infiltrated the hearts and minds of her people. The Capitalist nations do the same. To expect that implementation of these policies and syllabi within our current realities will produce the desired outcome is naïve. Rather it is paramount that we realise to fulfil our responsibility as Muslim fathers and mothers, is a struggle to achieve both the best we can to safeguard our children at present while also struggling to establish the Khilafah to allow this responsibility to be fulfilled the way Allah (swt) intended.
The education system under the Islamic State is composed of policies, objectives, methods and styles of teaching, school education and higher education, to name a few. What follows is the application of some policies of the future Khilafah state.
[Extracted from ‘Policy Paper: Khilafah's Education Policy’ by Adnan Khan & Lopa Hussain]
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