In Pakistan today we too need an idea to galvanise the people around and it has to be one for which public support and emotion exists at all levels of society. For the last 62 years of Pakistan's history, the people have witnessed a secular, capitalistic system, whether in the form of a democracy or a dictatorship, and as a result the masses hold no intellectual commitment in this due to both the ideas behind this ruling mechanism and the results that it has achieved. The only possible system that remains to be applied, and for which the country was created, and further for which the people have a great emotional and intellectual pull for is without doubt the system of Islam.
With this Islamic system, in the form of an Islamic state or Khilafat, the nation will be pushed forward rapidly to excel in all areas of development; industrial, military, social, judicial, educational, medical etc. Within a timeframe insha'Allah faster than that of the Soviet Union or Germany after WW1, the state will seek to become a technologically advanced regional power and not just a country where open sewers have been fixed or load shedding been capped. Of course Western interference in the region, particularly by the US, would have been ended immediately at the outset of the re-emergence of the Khilafat.
But such a framework for a state will not just fall out of the sky onto our laps - it needs to be worked for in the right way and people in Pakistan need to mobilise themselves to help bring this about. There are already sincere and capable voices in the country seeking to bring about such a historic change and they now have much support in the different elements that form our civil society and intellectual base for the country. But thus far this has not been enough.
The educated class of Pakistan, in particular the youth, really need to take this bull by the horns and lead the charge in calling for the return of the Khilafat in as many creative intellectual and political ways as possible. They need to sit up and shake off the dust of stagnation and dejection which has been the fall out of living for years and years under a man-made secular framework which has been nothing less than an extensive colonial project designed to keep the people downtrodden and kept in the dark from their true history and from fulfilling their true potential.
Together these sincere elements of Pakistan need to quickly and dramatically build up the opinion for this Islamic alternative for our nation. And such an opinion does not need to be developed across all of the society; the masses of Pakistan have demonstrated time and again across the years very avidly their commitment and emotional pull to Islam. Rather the class that needs to be intellectually affected and won over for this change is the educated, urban dwelling ‘civil society'. Whether they are lawyers, politicians, academics, businessmen, army officers, doctors, engineers etc, they need to be convinced that the Khilafat is the only way forward for Pakistan - only then can this new dawn be ushered in.
It is thus imperative now that this educated class in Pakistan makes use of all intellectual and political means in order to achieve this; from issuing simple leaflets to organising major conferences and from generating discussion on online social networking sites to mobilising people by their tens of thousands on the streets of Pakistan chanting in favour of the re-establishment of the Khilafat. In doing this, the powers that be in Pakistan would be greatly assisted and motivated to move ahead with confidence and deliver this Islamic system to the people Insha'Allah.
[Extracted from the article ‘The American Vulture has Landed’ by Asif Salahuddin, February 2010]
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