Allah (swt) says: “Allah has put forth a parable a man belonging to many partners at variance with each other and a man belonging entirely to one master: Are those two equal in comparison? Praise be to Allah, but most of them have no knowledge.” [Surah Az Zumar (39): Ayah 29]
Allah (swt) also says: “Is then one who walks headlong with his face grovelling better guided or one who walks evenly on a straight path?” [Surah Al Mulk (67): Ayah22]
Therefore, Allah (swt) sent the prophets and sent down with them the Book in truth. Allah (swt) says: "People were one single nation and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings and with them He sent the Book in truth to judge between people in matters wherein they differed…" [Surah Al Baqarah (2): Ayah 213]
Then Allah (swt) sent the Seal of prophets and messengers, our master Mohammed (saw) with Guidance and the Deen of Truth in order to make it triumphant over all other religions.
Allah (swt) says: “They took their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah and they take as their lord Christ, the son of Mary, yet they were commanded to worship but one god: There is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him, far is He from having the partners they associate with Him. Vain would they extinguish Allah’s Light with their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that His Light should be perfected even though the unbelievers may detest it. It is He Who sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Deen of Truth to proclaim it over all religion, even though the pagans may detest it.” [Surah At Tawbah (9): Ayat 31,32,33]
Hence, the Messenger of Allah (saw) was a guide for all mankind and he was a mercy to mankind. Allah (swt) says: "We have sent you not but as a mercy to mankind." [Surah Ambiyah (21): Ayah 107]
The Islamic Ummah was responsible for carrying the Message to the whole world, in order to lead people out of the depths of darkness into Light. Allah (swt) says: “Alif Lam Ra, a Book which We have revealed unto you in order that you might lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light by the leave of their Lord to the Way of the Exalted in power, the Worthy of all praise.” [Surah Ibrahim (14): Ayah 1]
Therefore, the Islamic Ummah carried the Message and contacted the world on the basis of guardianship and responsibility until Islam reached beyond the deserts and the seas, and she brought a large section from among the world population out of the pits of injustice and ignorance and led them towards the justice and Light of Islam. It is with this universal responsibility that befell her shoulders that the Islamic Ummah became the best Ummah sent to mankind. Allah (swt) says: “You are the best nation sent to mankind, you enjoin what is righteous and forbid what is evil.” [Surah Ali Imran (3): Ayah 110]
Just like any other nation, the Islamic Ummah suffered a setback that held her back from pursuing her duty towards the world. She even became stripped of her will, dressed with the cloak of subjugation, humiliation and enslavement. Since the middle of the 12th century after Hijrah (18th century CE), the Islamic world has been rapidly waning below its worthy position and sinking horribly towards the abyss of decline due to the horrific weakness that has overtaken the minds in the perception of Islam. Then in the 13th century (19th century CE), the Capitalist system, which is a system of Kufr, challenged the system of Islam in its thoughts and emotions, and soon after that the Muslims were intellectually defeated by this system. This intellectual defeat was followed by the calamitous political defeat reflected in the disappearance of the Islamic authority from the face of the Earth. However, Islam has never been and will never be defeated because Islam is alone the Truth. How could Islam, however, remain in the battlefield while its own people had been defeated and they could not perceive its position vis-a-vis the struggle. Due to the defeat of the Muslims, the Islamic Ummah and the rest of the world fell victim to the yoke of political and economic injustice, and she became with the rest of the world subjected to the enslavement of an oppressive force and whimpering under the nightmare of misery, exploitation and humiliation.
However, the Islamic Ummah must shoulder the burden of salvaging the world and leading it out of the depths of darkness, aberration and deception and into the light of guidance and the happiness of life. This is because she embraces the Islamic Aqeedah in its quality as a comprehensive idea about universe, man and life, a political Aqeedah adopted as a basis with no other basis before it, aimed at managing life’s affairs, and in its quality as an intellectual basis upon which the thoughts are built and from which the systems emanate, as an intellectual leadership that steers whoever embraces it towards carrying it to all people, and as a specific viewpoint about life that illustrates life as being the Halal and Haram. Though the Islamic Ummah has succumbed under the yoke of the oppressive force, it is not befitting for her to think only of herself, for egoism is far away from what she embraces in terms of doctrines and alien to what she carries within her essence and the pith of her mind in terms of values and thoughts. Hence, she must think about salvaging the world in addition to salvaging herself and she must undertake the task of liberating the world and not just herself, for she is part of this world and she has been created to guide mankind. Once she has embraced the Aqeedah of Islam, it has become incumbent upon her to salvage humanity from misery and deliver people from the shackles of injustice and despondence and from degradation and exploitation.
The Islamic Ummah must be cultured with the political culture and she must be supplied with the sound knowledge in carrying the Islamic Da'awah. This necessitates from her the perception of the essence and the hidden secrets of the plans, styles and means of the major powers. It also requires from her to be always alert and cautious in order to perceive what the unbelieving West is scheming and concocting against this Ummah in order to destroy her irrevocably and prevent her from resuming her carrying of her Message to the world. What has happened and what is currently happening in the Islamic world is not a host of issues and problems that are detached from one another, though they may seem to be as such with regard to its current and short term aims, because in their long terms aims, they represent a fierce campaign that is targeting the Islamic Ummah in her quality as such and the consequences of this campaign are going to bring calamity upon all the Muslims everywhere. This battle concerns every Muslim and it will determine the fate of all the Muslims wherever they may be. There is no room in this battle for taking a neutral stand, and the Muslim has no choice but to incline towards his Deen and his Aqeedah, otherwise the threat of extinction will continue to loom over this Ummah.
[Extracted from the book: ‘Duty of the Islamic Ummah’]
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