Alhamdulillah the third annual Ramadhan Nights event at Masjid Ar Rahman was well-attended and has continued its success amongst the Muslim youth in central London. The event was chaired by Jamil Abu Rayaan, an Engineer by profession, Islamic youth speaker and has been active in youth daw’ah for over 15 years. He introduced the speakers and the format of the event.
The Speakers were 2 recently practicing brothers (Habib and Akbal), Hamza Tzortzis and Taji Mustafa.
Hamza Tzortzis was the third speaker. He is a Business Consultant by profession, well known debater, international speaker, author of many Islamic books and specializes on the linguistic miracle of the Qur’an. He has his own website: and is the author of the website:
Hamza’s talk title was ‘Ramadhan: a time for change’. He addressed that the change is not of some aspects like change of clothe or change of friends but a comprehensive change, a change that decides ones entrance to Eternal Happiness. He mentions “This change is a choice between Jannah or Jahannam”. Many Muslims stop doing prohibited actions in this Ramadhan Month but once it is over they return back to their ignorance (jahaliyyah).
Hamza Tzortzis was the third speaker. He is a Business Consultant by profession, well known debater, international speaker, author of many Islamic books and specializes on the linguistic miracle of the Qur’an. He has his own website: and is the author of the website:
Hamza’s talk title was ‘Ramadhan: a time for change’. He addressed that the change is not of some aspects like change of clothe or change of friends but a comprehensive change, a change that decides ones entrance to Eternal Happiness. He mentions “This change is a choice between Jannah or Jahannam”. Many Muslims stop doing prohibited actions in this Ramadhan Month but once it is over they return back to their ignorance (jahaliyyah).
Hamza addressed the common excuses used to return to ignorance and disobedience to Allah (swt) by highlighting their self-contradiction, foolishness and insincerity.
The fourth and final speaker was Taji Mustafa, who really does not need any introduction. He has become a celebrity and a voice for the Muslim Community.
Taji’s talk was on ‘Ramadhan: Month of Unity’. He reminded that Muslims have one Quran, one Qibla, one Ramadhan One purpose but multiple Leadership and it is in the absence of One leadership that we Muslims have been lagging behind in every human activity whether it is science, technology and our ‘third world’ economy. On top of this we have been used by powerful states, exploited by capitalist companies, oppressed by our own rulers and subjugated by economic debts, poverty and civil war.
Taji adds the irony: All this misery and oppression while we have an abundance of material resources in oil, gas, gold, agriculture etc and manpower over 1.5 billion. And more importantly the Deen of Haqq and the promised victory of Allah (swt).
The Event ended with a duah (supplication) to Allah (swt) to help and relieve the sufferings of Muslims all over the world and to accept our fast, qiyam (night-prayer) and tilawat (recitation) of qur’an.
Taji’s talk was on ‘Ramadhan: Month of Unity’. He reminded that Muslims have one Quran, one Qibla, one Ramadhan One purpose but multiple Leadership and it is in the absence of One leadership that we Muslims have been lagging behind in every human activity whether it is science, technology and our ‘third world’ economy. On top of this we have been used by powerful states, exploited by capitalist companies, oppressed by our own rulers and subjugated by economic debts, poverty and civil war.
Taji adds the irony: All this misery and oppression while we have an abundance of material resources in oil, gas, gold, agriculture etc and manpower over 1.5 billion. And more importantly the Deen of Haqq and the promised victory of Allah (swt).
The Event ended with a duah (supplication) to Allah (swt) to help and relieve the sufferings of Muslims all over the world and to accept our fast, qiyam (night-prayer) and tilawat (recitation) of qur’an.
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