On the sixtieth anniversary of the coming into being of the state of Israel, Israel‘s many supporters are celebrating what they see as a great achievement. For them Israel has been a culmination of a dream created from amongst the ashes of Auschwitz, from the grotesque anti-Semitism of not just Germany but the whole of Europe, a state that against all odds has survived in one piece despite being surrounded by hostile enemies. The proponents of Israel believe it is a democracy and therefore should be treated as a nation fighting terrorism, a victim of other people’s terror and hate. Such a narrative would be a criminal distortion of the truth. For far from Israel being a victim or having an anniversary that should be celebrated, Israel will go down in history as one of the most brutal nations that the world has ever seen.
It is a matter of historical fact that Israel was founded by terrorists from the Stern gang and Irgun and it is therefore no great surprise that it has implemented 60 years of state terrorism against the Palestinian people. 60 years of illegal occupation, 60 years of creating an apartheid system which the old National Party in South Africa would be proud of, 60 years of depriving the Palestinian people of the right to live in dignity; 60 years of cruel and oppressive acts; 60 years of torture, 60 years of punishing roadblocks and 60 years of murdering Palestinian men, women and children. This is the real legacy of the state of Israel to the history of mankind.
Israel is a state created through violence and remains a militant nation today, spending vast sums on defence and security more akin to a large military base than a modern nation addressing the problems of its people. Indeed Jews all over the world have voted with their feet, most having decided to live abroad in the United States and Europe preferring prosperity over living in the ‘promised land‘. Israel has violence at its core, a state geared for war and revenge, where every adult citizen (bar the ultra orthodox and the well connected) undergo military service. It is no wonder that Israel constantly attacks its neighbours, or threatens to bomb them back to the stone age as it did with Lebanon in the summer of 2006. In one of the more bitter ironies of history, while the world applauded Nelson Mandela’s fight against apartheid, today western governments celebrate Israel’s racist 60th anniversary.
So after decades of wars, bloodshed and failed negotiations what should we do. Most western governments as well as the dictators in the Muslim world believe in a two state solution. However a two state solution would be suicidal for the Palestinian Muslims. Why is this?
Giving up any land to foreign occupiers is prohibited from the texts of Islam and would only appease Israel’s aggression and ethnic cleansing.
The two state solution is seen as Israel’s last chance to protect its illegal gains. Israel has significant challenges in the years ahead which threatens it. This is why Israeli Prime Minister Olmert is on record in saying the following “If the day comes when the two state solution collapses and we face a South African style struggle for equal voting rights, then as soon as that happens, the state of Israel is finished.”
A Palestinian state created out of the remnants of pre 1967 is not a viable state, it will have no real resources, no real sovereignty and would be reliant on Israel for its survival. Just look at Israel’s repeated interventions in Gaza, a territory Israel claims it has left.
So the Muslim world should respond with one voice to the sixtieth anniversary, that it will never recognise the state of Israel (this is no different from the west which does not recognise Northern Cyprus or Taiwan. Nor Russia which refuses to recognise Kosovo) and that it remains committed to liberating the whole of historical Palestine by a capable and professional armed force if necessary (again no different from the west‘s mantra in the first Gulf war). Of course no such messages will be given by the existing despotic Muslim governments who while attacking Israel in their speeches are in reality protecting it.
It is only the return of the Islamic Khilafah that can comprehensively address this problem, and that would deploy the necessary armed forces capable of liberating this land. As Salahadeen (ra) demonstrated in the 13th century, the reality of overcoming foreign occupation requires political unity in Muslim lands and to marshal all of the ummah’s resources. Though the Khilafah should never take the military option off the table in reversing the occupation, the Khilafah would also enjoy a strong suite of economic and diplomatic assets. The Khilafah would have a strong position to dictate to Europe, Japan and other nations that they need to review their support for Israel against their future strategic relationship with the Muslim world. Specifically the Muslim world has:
1. The bulk of the future reserves of oil and significant gas reserves.
2. A population of 1.3 billion which, unlike the west, is not ageing.
3. The ability to keep vital waterways like the Straits of Hormuz and Suez Canal open, waterways through which a significant volume of goods and oil flow.
4. Hundreds of billions of dollars which are invested abroad.
Of course the Khilafah’s opposition to Israel does not equate to a policy of treating individual Jews unjustly, or an ethnic cleansing of the region, as Israel has perpetuated against the Palestinians. Jews, Muslims and Christians lived largely in security under an Islamic government for much of the last fourteen centuries in Palestine, in Islamic Spain and under the Ottoman Caliphate. Unlike Israel’s apartheid system, an Islamic state is not a racial state and does not treat Non Muslims as second class citizens. The Prophet Muhammad (saws) made this very clear when he stated the: “Anyone who harms a Dhimmi (Non Muslim citizen), harms me.”
Of course many in Israel and their right wing supporters abroad will celebrate Israel’s sixtieth anniversary with pride and satisfaction. However Israel lacks strategic depth and having nuclear submarines stationed offshore is no substitution for having a sustainable long term strategy for survival. Israeli policies over the last 60 years have been barbaric and inhuman and they should not be allowed to continue. With demographic and other trends going against Israel, and the region increasingly embracing its Islamic identity, the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate is now the only viable option for liberating Palestine and delivering justice to the region.
[Article written by Sajjad Khan, June 2008]
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