The following is a fictional story:
The General sat behind his desk, head in hands, listening intently to the news broadcast currently playing from his radio.
"The headlines tonight...rescuers in Gaza find four small children, too weak to stand, huddling next to their dead mothers," said the radio presenter.
The General remembered his granddaughters. They would be around the same age as those children. The thought of the fear they must have gone through, going days without food or water, wondering why their mothers wouldn't awake brought tears to his eyes. So many children dead. He always thought he would live to a ripe old age but death pays no attention to age. Young or old when the appointed time comes none can delay it.
He took out a key and unlocked the bottom drawer in his desk. There he found an old brown file overflowing with papers. He placed the file in front of him, opened it, took out the first paper and began to read. Tears rolled down his check as he stopped on the words that been a splinter in his mind ever since he first read them weeks ago. The words jumped out at him - "O People of Nusrah! Truly, Allah out of His infinite mercy has blessed you with a golden opportunity to secure a place in Jannah..."
The General wiped his eyes, stood up and walked over to the sink in the corner of the room. He turned on the tap and began to make wudu. It had been so long since he prayed he wasn't sure he remembered all the steps. When he finished he dried himself and walked over to the Persian rug in the centre of the room and turned it in what he thought was the direction of Mecca. He then stood and prayed isha for the first time in years. When he finished he raised his hands in the air and made du'a. He couldn't remember the correct words or procedure but he knew Allah was All-Merciful and would understand. He prayed for forgiveness for the first time before he could remember. He then prayed for help in what he was about to do. He got up off the rug, walked back to his desk and picked up the phone and started dialling...
For anyone who has converted to Islam; for anyone who was born Muslim and started practising Islam; for anyone who has read the story of Umar bin al-Khattab's (ra) conversion to Islam; is this fictional story of the general really beyond the realms of possibility?
Allah (swt) knows what is hidden in the hearts of men and He (swt) can guide whomsoever He wills.
Allah (swt) says: "Allah leaves whoever He will to stray and guides whoever He will." [Surah al-Faatir (35): Ayah 8]
For those in any doubt about the power of Islam in changing even the most misguided individuals then let us look back to the best generation the sahaba (ra), and some of the famous personalities before and after their conversion to Islam.
Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra)
Anas (ra) said: Umar went out wearing his sword, and a man from Bani Zuhrah met him and said, "Where do you intend going Umar?" Umar said, "I want to kill Muhammad." He said, "How will you be safe from Bani Hashim and Bani Zuhrah if you have killed Muhammad?" Umar (ra) said, "I can only believe that you have converted." He said, "Shall I show you something astonishing; your brotherin-law and your sister have converted and abandoned your deen."
Umar (ra) walked on and came to the two of them while Khabbab was with them. When he heard the sound of Umar he hid in the house, and then he (Umar) entered and said, "What is this murmur of lowered voices?" They had been reciting Surah Taha. They said, "Nothing but some conversation which we were holding." He said, "Perhaps you two have converted?" His brother-in-law said to him, "Umar, what if the truth were outside of your deen?" So Umar (ra) leapt upon him and struck him severely. His (ra) sister came to push him away from her husband and he struck her a blow with his hand so that her face bled. Then she said, and she was angry, "And if the truth were outside your deen? I witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger."
Umar (ra) said, "Give me the writing which you have and I will read it," - and Umar used to read. His sister said to him, "You are dirty, and no-one reads it but the purified (so stand and bathe yourself or perform wudu)."
He stood and performed wudu, then he took the writing and read part of Surah Taha until it came to:
"Truly I, I am Allah there is no god except Me, so worship Me and establish the prayer for my remembrance." [Surah Taha (20): Ayah 14]
Umar (ra) said, "Show me the way to Muhammad." When Khabbab heard the words of Umar he came out and said, "Rejoice Umar! Because I hope that you are the (answer to the) supplication which the Messenger of Allah (saws) made for you on the night of Thursday, ‘O Allah strengthen Islam with Umar ibn al-Khattab or with Amr ibn Hisham.'"
The Messenger of Allah (saws) was in the lower part of the house which was at the foot of Safa and Umar (ra) went off until he came to the house, at the door of which were Hamzah (ra), Talhah (ra) and others. Hamzah (ra) said, "This is Umar. If Allah wants good for him he will become a Muslim, and if he wishes other than that, then killing him will be a little thing for us."
The Prophet (saws) was inside receiving revelation. He (saws) came out when Umar (ra) arrived, took hold of the folds of his (Umar's) clothes and the straps of his sword, and said, "You won't give up Umar until Allah visits you with disgrace and punishment like he did al-Walid ibn al-Mughirah." Umar said, "I witness that there is no god but Allah and that you are the slave of Allah and His messenger."
The legend of Umar ibn Al-Khattab (ra), one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of paradise in this life, is well known to all Muslims. Once Umar (ra) embraced Islam his contribution to furthering the cause of Islam is unparalleled. He (ra) gave strength to the dawah in Makkah. He (ra) assisted the Prophet (saws) in ruling the Islamic State in Medina. He (ra) fought with the Prophet (saws) in all the battles. After the Prophet (saws) died he assisted Abu Bakr Siddiq (ra) in his Khilafah and then when Umar became Khaleefah he ruled over a state that became the world superpower after defeating both the Romans and the Persians.
It is enough to listen to the words of the Prophet (saws) concerning Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra).
Uqbah ibn Amir (ra) said: The Prophet (saws) said, "If there were to be a prophet after me it would be Umar ibn al-Khattab."
Ibn Abbas (ra) said: The Prophet (saws) said, "There is no angel in the heaven that does not respect Umar, and no shaytan on the earth but that he is afraid of Umar."
Khalid bin Walid (ra)
Khalid bin Walid (ra) was a highly skilled warrior and one of the Generals of Quraish. At the Battle of Uhud when the archers disobeyed their orders and went for the booty, Khalid (ra) and his squadron took advantage and destroyed the Muslims left flank killing many of the archers. They then encircled the Muslims from the rear and nearly inflicted a devastating defeat on the Muslims.
After the Battle of Uhud Khalid (ra) sat alone in deep thought concerning the new religion that was gaining momentum every day. He (ra) wished that Allah, the All-Knower of what is hidden and unseen, would guide him to the right path. He (ra) aid to himself, "By Allah, it is crystal clear now. This man is indeed a Prophet, so how long shall I procrastinate. By Allah, I will go and submit myself to Islam."
Narrated by Khalid: I hoped to find an escort (to Madinah), and I ran into Uthman ibn Talhah (ra) and when I told him about my intention, he agreed to escort me. We travelled shortly before daybreak and as we reached the plain, we ran into Amr ibn Al-Aas.
After we had exchanged greetings, he asked us about our destination, and when we told him, it turned out that he himself was going to the same place to submit himself to Islam. The three of us arrived at Madinah on the first day of Safar in the eighth year. As soon as I laid my eyes on the Prophet (saws), I said, "Peace by upon the Prophet," so he greeted me with a bright face.
Immediately, I submitted myself to Islam and bore witness to the truth. Finally, the Prophet (saws) said, "I knew that you have an open mind and I prayed that it would lead you to safety." I took my oath of allegiance to the Prophet (saws) then asked him, "Please ask Allah's forgiveness for me for all the wrongdoings I have committed to hinder men from the path of Allah." The Prophet (saws) said, "Islam erases all the wrongdoings committed before it." Yet I pleaded with him, "Please pray for me." Finally, he (saws) supplicated to Allah, "O Allah, forgive Khaalid for the wrongdoings he committed before he embraced Islam." Then Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra) and Uthman ibn Talhah (ra) stepped forward and submitted themselves to Islam and gave their oath of allegiance to the Prophet.
At the Battle of Mutah, the first battle against the Romans, the Muslims were heavily outnumbered. The Muslim army was 3,000 strong and the Romans were 200,000 strong. All three of the army commanders were martyred in this battle and it was Khalid bin Walid (ra) who took command of the army. Instantly he flung himself into the vast battlefield. His eyes were as sharp as a hawk's. His mind worked quickly, turning over all the scenarios in his mind. While fierce fighting raged, Khalid (ra) quickly split his army into groups, with each assigned a certain task. He (ra) used his incredible expertise and outstanding craftiness to open a wide space within the Roman army through which the whole Muslim army retreated intact. This narrow escape was credited to the ingenuity of a Muslim hero.
When the army returned to Madinah the Muslims were very angry. As the soldiers arrived the Muslims began to throw dust into the faces of the soldiers shouting, "O you who have fled! You have fled from the way of Allah."
The Prophet (saws) restrained them and said, "They have not fled. They shall return to fight, if Allah wills it." Then the Prophet (saws) raised his voice and shouted, "Khalid is the Sword of Allah."
Thus General Khalid bin Walid (ra) became the Sword of Allah. A legend among the Muslims, and a historical figure whose tactics and battle plans are studied to this day by western military historians.
Oh Army Generals!
Know that this life is very short and the next life is forever. On the Day of Judgement the people will think that the length of this life was but an hour. Allah (swt) says:
"On the Day He gathers them together, it will be as if they have stayed [in the world] no longer than a single hour." [Surah Yunus (10): Ayah 45]
It is never too late to change despite the sins that went before. Allah (swt) is always open for repentance. Allah (swt) says:
"But if anyone repents after his wrongdoing and makes amends, Allah will accept his repentance: Allah is most forgiving, most merciful." [Surah Maidah (5): Ayah 39]
None of us know what our last deeds will be. Someone may commit sins all his life and then do an action that pleases Allah (swt) and he is granted paradise. A person may do good deeds all his life and then do an action that displeases Allah (swt) and he is flung into hell. May Allah protect us from such a calamity, and make the best of our deeds the last of our deeds.
The Messenger (saws) said, "By Allah the One other than whom there is no god, one of you will do the actions of the people of the Garden until there is only a cubit between him and it, then the decree will overtake him, and he will do the actions of the people of the Fire and thus enter it. One of you will do the actions of the people of the Fire until there only remains a cubit between him and it, then the decree will overtake him, and he will do the actions of the people of the Garden and so enter it." [Bukhari]
During the early years of Makkah, the Prophet (saws) made a dua. Ibn Umar narrated that the Prophet (saws) said, "O Allah, strengthen Islam with whoever is more beloved to You of these two men: Umar ibn al-Khattab or Abu Jahl ibn Hisham."
We finish here with a similar dua. O Allah! Strengthen Islam with whoever from among the army generals and people of nusra is most beloved to you. Ameen
[Extracted from the Article 'The General', by]
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