Myth: “Muslim are anti-Semitic, harbouring an innate hatred towards Jews/are intolerant to other faiths”
Muslims and more importantly Islam does not discriminate people based on their race, skin colour, religion or gender.
We feel that our justified opposition to the Israeli state – which has carried out many atrocities on the Palestinian people and continues to do so in Lebanon [and now Gaza] – has resulted in us being labelled as ‘anti-Semitic’ by sections of the Pro-Israeli Zionist media.
Moreover, many famous non-Muslim personalities, political commentators and politicians have been placed in the same category for expressing their concerns and disagreements towards the state of Israel.
Muslims have no paranoia or ill feeling towards Jews. [Muslims stance against Israel is not because they are Jews but rather they are occupiers].
History has shown us that Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities have lived side by side in the Islamic lands. Some of Christianities earliest churches can still be found in the Middle East and other Muslim countries, this is a further testament that Christians were allowed to practice their faith previously under Islamic governance.
Many from the Jewish community sought and were granted asylum to the Islamic lands when fleeing oppression and persecution from Europe.
[Written by Mahfuz Rahman. Extracted from the article ‘Islam: Separating Myth from Reality]
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