Alhamdulillah We have entered the month of Muharram, which is 1 of the 4 sacred months of Islam Allah SWT says "Lo! The number of Months with Allah is twelve...Four of them are sacred" [TMQ At Tawba 9: 36] .
In fact in a hadith sahih, Muharram is the Month of Allah. Rasulullah (saws) said "The best of fasts besides the month of Ramadhan is fasting in Allah's month" [Muslim]
This Month marks the beginning of Islamic New Year. According to the Islamic Calendar we are now 1 thousand 4 hundred and thirty-two years since the establishment of al Dawla Islamiyyah (The Islamic State). If you rearrange the numbers 1 4 3 2 you'll know this State was destroyed in 1342 AH. Its now 90 hijri years without an Amir ul Mu'minin, Khalifah of the Muslims!
In this month there is a day that marks an anniversary of 1. a very special event in history of mankind and 2. a very disturbing event of the history of Islam.
In the history of Islam an event that affected all Muslims. The Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (he and his brother Hassan (ra) are the leaders of Youth of al-Jannah), he was son of Ali (ra) (the Rasulullah (saws) cousin, the fourth rightouse Khalifah) (ra) and the son of Fatima az-Zahra (ra) (the daughter of Rasulullah (s), one of the 4 best women of al-Jannah)
It is natural for us to feel sad, for indeed the reports of way he, his members of his family & his baby (ra) was killed by army of Yazid was truly gruesome and that his head was carried on the end of a stick for miles.
But this we will not make us mourn like the shia' mourn and make it a "Day of Mourning". For indeed many of our beloved were martyred like Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib (ra), Mus'ab ibn Umayr (ra) & 70 others in Battle of Uhud. Did the Rasulullah (saws) make it a Day of Mourning!
When Abu Bakr (ra) died did Umar (ra) make it a Day of Mourning? When Umar al Khattab (ra) was assassinated or even Imam Hussain's (ra) father Ali (ra) were assassinated did the rest of the companions (ra) (sahaba) of Rasulullah (saws) make it a Day of Mourning!
We will not make it a 'Day of Mourning' as Allah detest Bida' in the Deen.
May Allah SWT shower His blessings upon our Imam Hussain (ra) and my we have the opportunity to meet our leader in al-Jannah insha'Allah.
The special event that took place in the history of the World was how Allah SWT split the red sea, saved Bani Israel and punished the tyrant Pharow. This day was 10th of Muharram, known as Ashura. For this Prophet Musa (as), the one Allah SWT spoke directly, began to fast as a gratitude to Allah SWT.
However we will not make it a Day of Celebration (eid) as there are no reports that Rasulullah (saws) or Sahaba (ra) did this. They merely fasted.
While Rasulullah (saws) was in Madina he (saws) witnessed the Yahoodes (Jews) fasting so he asked "what is this fast?" and they replied "A great day. Allah saved Musa (as) and the tribes of Israel from their enemies on this and therefore Musa (as) fasted on this day". Prophet (saws) said "we have more of a right to Musa (as) than you" so he (saws) fasted and ordered the people to fast on that day" [Bukhari]
This is not to say Rasulullah (saws) did not know about Ashura as Umul al Mu’minin 'Aishah (ra), wife of Rasulullah (saws), said "The tribe of Quraish used to fast on the day of 'Ashurah in the days before Islam, as did the Prophet (saws). When he came to Madinah, he still fasted on it and ordered the people to do likewise. Then, when fasting during the month of Ramadan became obligatory, he (saws) said 'Whoever wishes may fast ['Ashurah] and whoever wishes may leave it." [Bukhari]
Imam Al-Qurtubi (ra) said: “Perhaps Quraysh used to fast on that day on the basis of some past law, such as that of Ibraaheem, upon whom be peace.”
Imam ibn Ibn Hajar al-Asqalini (ra) mentions that perhaps the motive for commanding the Muslims to fast on this day was the desire to be different from the Jews, so that the Muslims would fast when the Jews did not, because people do not fast on a day of celebration. [Fath al-Bari Sharh ‘ala Sahih al-Bukhari]
Another occasion the people asked "O Rasulullah (saws) it is a day that the Jews & Christian honour" Rasulullah (saws) replied "When the following year comes insha'Allah we shall also fast on the Ninth" [Muslim]
Ibn Abbas (ra) said "We should fast on 2 days: the 9th & 10th of Muharram to distinguish ourselves from the jewish community" [Tirmidhi]
Imam ibn Ibn Hajar al-Asqalini (ra) said in his commentary on the hadeeth “If I live until the next year, I will certainly fast on the ninth day”: “What he meant by fasting on the ninth day was probably not that he would limit himself to that day, but would add it to the tenth, either to be on the safe side or to be different from the Jews and Christians, which is more likely. This is also what we can understand from some of the reports narrated by Muslim.” [Fath al-Bari Sharh ‘ala Sahih al-Bukhari]
So we should fast on this day (thats 16-Dec) and a day before it (taasoo'ah) (or after it according other scholars due to hadith accepted by some scholars "Observe the fast of Ashura and oppose the Jews. Fast a day before it or after it" [Baihaqi]),
Ibn Abbas (ra) said "I did not see Rasulullah (saws) anxiously await the fast of any day, which he gave preference to over other days, but this day, the day of Ashura" [Bukhari]
So what is the reward of fasting on Ashura: it is expiation of sins of previous year!
The Rasulullah (saws) said "Fasting on day of Ashurah, I hope Allah will accept it as an expiation for (sins committed in) the previous year" [Muslim]
In fact this is the best month after the month of Ramadhan to fast in: The hadith of Rasulullah (saws) I already mentioned "The best of fasts besides the month of Ramadhan is fasting in Allah's month" [Muslim]
If brothers want to do more fast they should also fast on 13th, 14th and 15th of this month as according to ummul al Mu'minin Hafsa (ra) said Rasulullah (s) never abandoned "fasting 3 days of every month" [Ahmed] its reward "is fasting for a lifetime" [Nasai]
What else about Ashura?
On this day according to some scholars there is great reward for the one who spends for his family. Rasulullah (saws) is reported to have said "Whoever is generous to himself and his family on the day of Ashura will have Allah's generosity bestowed on him for the rest of the year" [Baihaqi, tabarani, ibn Abdul barr. Imam as-Sakhawi (ra) strengthens this weak hadith by other ahadith [fiqh us sunnah] Ibn Hajar al Asqaliani (ra) mentions the narration of Jabir (ra) in al-Istidhkar of Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr (ra) that it fulfils the standard of Sahih Muslim [al-Maqasid al-Hasanah]]
So brothers take opportunity to spend with your family.
There are many other events that have happened (for example a hadith reported in Ahmed “This is the day on which the Ark settled on Mount Joodi, so Nooh fasted this day in thanksgiving.”) & may happen on this day which are not completely unfounded nor have I had time to establish their authenticity, many of which are mentioned in Tanbihul Gaafileen of Shaykh Abu Laits As-Samarqandi (ra), Ghuniyatut Taalibeen of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra) and Nuzhatul Majaalis of Shaykh Abdur Rahman Safoori (ra).
Allah SWT has set special days like 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, special hour like the hour on Friday, and special sunnah (ways) of previous prophets like Ibrahim (as) & Ismael (as) regarding the Hajj. Many of the hujja's have returned. It is reported in Fadail al hajj of Shaykh Zakariya al-Khandawi (ra) that Umar al-Khattab (ra) said "The haji has the pardon of Allah and until the 20th Rabiul Awwal Allah answers his prayers in which he begs forgiveness for anyone"
Therefore ask the returned hajis to make dua for you!
So we learnt it was sunnah of Musa (as) to fast on Ashura, what else can we learn from sunnah (way) of Musa (as)?
Subhanallah! There's simply too many. His (as) story is mentioned more in the Qur'an than any other prophets and there are numerous ahadith regarding him.
But i'll touch upon some of narrations about him (as), to take some lesson for today.
There's something we do everyday but do not realise the impact Musa (as) had upon it. Everyone knows they have to pray 5 times a day, but how many of you know that Musa (as) was involve in its establishment?
It was mentioned in authentic narrations that at first Allah SWT commanded the Ummah of Rasulullah (saws) in the Night of Isra' wal Mi'raj should pray 50 obligatory prayers a day! It was Musa (as) who persistently asked Rasulullah (saws) to go back to reduce it "Go back to your Lord, your followers will not bare it" he argued "My people were asked to do less than this, and they could not bare it. Your ummah is weaker...so ask to reduce it" [Bukhari]
So it was reduced from 50, to 30, to 10 then to only 5! And its reward is of fifty! Allah SWT said "These five are (equivalent) to the fifty" [Tirmidhi]
And also each prayer has its own reward. Praying just Eesha in jamaah at masajid is like praying "half the night" [Tirmidhi] and praying Eesha & Fajr in jamaah at masajid is like praying "the whole night!" [Tirmidhi]
But finding it difficult to pray jamaah or alone is act of nifaq. The Rasulullah (saws) said "No prayer is more burdensome to the hypocrites than the fajr & Eesha prayer" [Bukhari]
And remember we are in winter season and Hasan Al Basri (ra) said "The best season to a believer is the winter, it nights are long for those who wish to pray, and its days are short for those who wish to fast"
Also after Eesha we should go to bed and avoid unnecessary conversations as ibn Ma'sud (ra) said "Rasulullah (saws) ordered us not to talk after the night prayer" [Ibn Majah]
It is permitted when there is a need as it is reported by Said ibn ‘Umar (ra) that “The Prophet (saws) would discuss with Abu Bakr (ra) some of the affairs of the Muslims during the night and I was with him” [Tirmidhi]
It is also virtues to pray tahajjud in 1st and 10th of Muharram [Ihya ulum ad Din]. Tahajjud by its linguistic meaning is to wake up and pray, indeed it is best prayed in the midst of night.
What else can we learn from Musa (as). His keenness in making dua, to carry the dawah and to search for knowledge.
How he (as) constantly made dua to Allah
"O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul! Do you then forgive me!" So (Allah) forgave him: for He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful" [TMQ Al-Qasas 28: 16]
How many of us ask Allah for our needs, wants & for His forgiveness? '
Rasulullah (saws) said "In the sight of Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He, nothing is more honorable to Him than dua'" [Tirmidhi]
And he (saws) said "Allah is angry with him who does not ask (for anything) from Him" [Tirmudhi]
And also while your also fasting "The dua of the fasting person will not be refused" [Baihaqi]
Musa (as) asked Allah SWT: "O my lord! Expand me my chest. Ease my task for me. And remove the impediment from my speech. So they may understand what I say" [TMQ Ta Ha 20: 25-28]
Musa (as) became such an eloquent dawah carrier that he put Pharow to shame!
Remember when Pharow said "Did we not cherish you as a child amongst us, and did you not stay in our midst many years of your life?" [TMQ Ash-Shu'ara 26: 18]
Like many politicians even Muslims bitten by western culture, argue that they gave us a home, benefits, security etc therefore we should only be grateful!
What was Musa's (as) response "And this is the favour with which do reproach me - that you have enslaved the children of Israel" [TMQ Ash-Shu'ara 26:22]
Subhan Allah! What a beautiful response! That should he forget the tyranny he has caused just because he looked after him!
This is the way we should respond, should we forget their brutal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and now Yemen! because they give us some masajid, muslim schools and muslim bookshops!
Allah SWT ordered us to recite "O My lord, increase me in knowledge" [20:114]
How many of us make that dua or even seek knowledge.
When Musa (as) learnt about someone more knowledgeable than him was present in the world what did he do?
Was he (as) simply content with the knowledge he had? He (as) has way more than us!
We all know the story of how eager he (as) was to search for Al-Khadir and when he found him he exhibited the keenness to learn from him. [Bukhari]
How many of us here are desperate and eager for knowledge? Many circles are organised but hardly any of us attend them, week and week out!
Indeed mentioned in Surah Al Mujadala "Allah will raise up, to ranks, those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge" [TMQ Al Mujadala 58:11]
Ibn Abbas (ra) said about this verse "Scholars will have higher degree seven hundred times than other believers; a distance between each degree and the other is five hundred years marching" [Mukhtaser Minhaj al Qasidin, Ibn Qudama (ra)]
Indeed we are in the noble work of dawah the Rasulullah (saws) said "Whoever dies while seeking knowledge in order to revive Islam, will be in al Jannah and nothing would be between him and the Prophets except one degree" [Darimi]
My brothers this is a reminder to myself first and then you, ask yourselves a question:
What do you want out of this is life?
If it's Jannah, than is there eagerness in us to be more Islamic, is the verses of qur'an moist in our tongues, is our hearts filled with fear of Allah SWT, our hands quick to give sadaqah, our nafsiyyah willing to sacrifice, to avoid the little comfort this world brings so to struggle for the delights of the next.
My brothers remember Jannah is guaranteed but with conditions, it is promise from Allah SWT that He will indeed grant Jannah to the believers.
O Allah accept this little effort in your way. Forgive our sins, open or hidden. Make our death, a death of a Martyr. Make our grave wide and smell of musk. Make our Hisab quick and acceptable. Make our Mizan heavy with good hasanat. Make us hold the book on Qiyama by our right hand and crossing the Sirat promptly. And enter us Ya Rabb to Your Jannah, the highest al Firdus.
O Allah forgive our families and grant them Jannah. Forgive our young and make them eager to learn. Forgive our old make them at ease to meet you.
O Allah help the Muslims where ever they are, give victory to mujahidin over the kafireen, and let us reestablish your deen once again on this earth. Ameen
[From a talk given by Abu Yusuf al-Karanshi]
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