The diabolical practice of “flipping” or declaring a second home to be the main residence to enable specific 2nd property expense claims (which were supposed to be for MP’s which live far from London), claims for a second residence which in fact was a room in her sisters home (Home Secretary Jacqui Smith), a plethora of claims for dog food, cleaning the moat of the family castle, 100 pounds a pop for changing light bulbs and even repairs to the family tennis court. All while the man in the street is under threat of losing his job, suffers from below inflation wage increases, or salaries (such as Nurses) significantly lower than some of the MP expense claims. At least you can rely on the Tories for a high class of claims. Several Tory MPs claimed for items which I would love… a swimming pool, a helipad (double check). Even the House of Lords was not exempt, with our very own Baroness Uddin claiming for a second home in Kent which neighbours say nobody lived in.
Isn’t it interesting that despite the different backgrounds of these politicians such as race, religion, sexual orientation or indeed even political allegiance everyone has engaged in thoroughly plundering the trough in which their collective noses have been buried? Ms KitKat’s claims would hold some legitimacy perhaps if all, nay even one of these MPs had actually reported this so called ‘broken system’ earlier instead of oh so helplessly suffering its brutal tyranny of handing out free cash for years. Thanks Ms KitKat, have a break, you deserve it after all your efforts.
I don’t know about you, but for me this sorry episode just goes to show how self-serving, selfish and downright corrupt these politicians are. What is remarkable that people in the Muslim world look up to these guys, who claim to work in the ‘The Mother of all Parliaments’ for inspiration as to how to run their own countries. Kudos to some people like Zardari though, not only did he learn how these guys do things he has actually outdid them in the corruption rankings. Notch up another victory for Pakistan against Britain; Pakistanis learnt more than just cricket off their colonial masters.
Perhaps I am being a bit too harsh on Ms KitKat, after all this is not just one MP doing it, it’s everyone. She has correctly identified that when you have a problem that affects such a large number of people, there is clearly a systematic failure occurring somewhere. However what our Queen of Confectionary can’t get away with is the fact that she and her fellow trough dwellers are the ones responsible for creating, approving and managing the system which she is happily trying to wash her hands off. Whilst there maybe some special ‘independent-I-am-holier-than-thou-with-multiple-surnames-ethics-committee’ in charge of the actual expenses policy, the greater point is that these MPs are free to legislate any laws as long as there is a majority present. Whilst I may be committing sacrilege against democracy by saying this, how sound can a system which relies on the good judgement of a majority such as this to establish a criterion of right and wrong be? Or more specifically, a majority which has clearly shown itself to be of a greedy money grubbing nature that had no moral qualms about taking hard earned tax payers cash to live the high life. Guess the idea of big business owning legislators doesn’t sound too far fetched now does it seeing the kind of disposition our Right Honourable MPs have.
Hardly surprising, that the public in the UK are turning off politics when their elected representatives have been so badly exposed. The democratic idea of assuming the people (or the elites dominating public opinion) will objectively and independently decide right from wrong to the benefit of all is fundamentally flawed. The Muslim world too has suffered from this corruption and is high time these rulers are removed (which conveniently the West helps prop up). But it is this very failure of democracy which is leading to seek an alternative system throughout the Muslim world – the West has long lost any form of leadership whether moral, economic or political.
I guess I’m just an extremist Muslim who should simply be grateful for being taught the word ‘opinion’ and not actually try to have one of my own by this country. I mean, forget BNP type skinheads yelling at me to ‘go back to your country!!’ I would have the likes of Shahid Malik to worry about who would gladly come out and tell me that I’m an extremist. I’m sure Shahid would warn me to be a good British Muslim and shut up if I know what’s good for me (42 days wink wink). To be honest I would love to speak to him right now about this sort of thing, the only problem is that I think he might be a wee bit busy trying to explain to everyone why he has racked up the most expenses out of all MP’s. Don’t worry Shahid, I’ll be crying £66,827 worth of tears for you all the way out of your justice ministers office. Free of charge by the way, no need to lodge a claim.
[Article taken from Islamic Politik Website]
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