The following is a transcript of a talk given by Abu Yusuf Al-Karanshi
Examples of Attack on Creed:
Superiority of Secularism
Islam is a religion like other religions and it is only if we separate religion from life affairs we will progress. Its because of Muslims holding onto their creed in lifes affair we have little or no progress. Eg Look at all the Muslim Countries who still insist of having Islam present in their societal life.
We view the humans to be naturally good. Being left to do what they want without coercion (or by harming others) leads man to prosper. On a larger scale whenever individuals looks out for it self society as a whole improves. This is what happened when we separated the coercion of the religious bigotry from our lives progress took place which lead to the industrial revolution eg Enlightenment.
1. The Islamic belief agrees with mans instincts and organic needs, agrees with his mind and gives him tranquillity in his heart.
2. Secularism is based upon a struggle that lead to a compromise: A compromise between 2 contradictory sides.
3. Man is not naturally good or bad (Christian’s original sin). He has instincts and organic needs. The way he satisfies these and the standard he has accepted determines if it is good or bad.
4. If man is left to do what he pleases than nothing guarantees that he will progress. Fascism and communism was a result of this. Without direction man is left to choose any system he pleases. In today’s secular society individualism is rampant due to this principle. Living on the streets or being on welfare support has become a life style, these are no way progress.
5. Scientific Progress is not specific to secularism. This also happened with Islam and likewise with Communism.
6. The Secular view Law, like Christians, as a necessary evil so in reality it only intervenes when 2 equally powerful individuals clash otherwise it is silenced. They do not view the prevalent Law as an integral part of Society. Which means it is negligent in protecting rights of all individuals as there is no initiation but only reaction eg Laws on such as Racism, Women, Equal Pay, Immigration manifested only after a struggle.
8. It is inherent in secular societies for ‘might is right’ and ‘survival of the fittest’ which increases the poor-rich divide.
9. In reality Secularism has failed to give solution to societal problems. Crime, Racism, Social depredation, Child Abuse, Environmental decay, Diseases etc, are rampant and are always increasing. Moreover, many of these are their own causes.
Social Inclusion of Secularism
Islam only sees its own belief superior and undermines and totally disregards other beliefs. How do you expect society to progress when one section of society completely disregards the beliefs or convictions of another?
Secularism allows people of different beliefs to live together. One religion has no superiority over other religions. This we can witness today where we have diversity of Christian, Jews, Muslims, Atheist or Ex-Muslims (Apostates) to cooperate and live together under common core values.
1. Islam does no way disregard or insult other beliefs. Islam has always accommodated people of different beliefs to prosper. In fact there are historical accounts of many non-Muslims succeeding under the Islamic State.
2. Most religions or convictions believe its superior, why single out Islam.
3. In every society there are norms. But Islam does not expect its non-Muslim people to believe in Islam but only to conform to the temporal laws, which are applied indiscriminately
4. It is a form of ‘smoke-screen’ and justification. Islam did not need to refer to these slogans to silent dissent from foreigners and minority groups. In Islam it is either citizen or non-citizen.
5. In Secular societies people are expected to live together within common core values. These values are nothing but secular. Those who disagree are made to be isolated or forced to accept these values like what’s happening with Muslims in Britain (Liberal Integration) and more clearly in France (Assimilation).
Examples of Attack on Core Values:
Freedom to Express
In Islam all Muslims are slaves of God. (God being Muhammads (saws) world view). A God that they will obey without caution or reference to reason. That’s why their motto is ‘Hear and obey’ not Hear, Think than obey’. Islam does not allow them to question God or any part of its creed.
This narrow-mindedness has resulted in being bigoted, intolerant, lack of progress and the persecution of silent majority in the Muslim lands like Iran . Muslims need to de-program and open themselves to think freely and question everything without any boundaries. They should welcome questions on their Prophet and God as a mark of progress to show that they welcome debate and discussion.
When questioning is absent thinking is its victim. While thinking is neglected there is no wonder many Muslims cannot see the fallacy of their belief. Our quest for freedom has succeeded in destroying slavery (of man or any God). If we are forced to keep quite than will we never reach the stage of continues push to exceed and improve our lives. We do not believe in absolute truths as truths deter questioning and stagnate progress. Scepticism gives us more. People should be allowed to say whatever they want and as there is a freedom to respond its leads to a healthy clash between these views and as long as discussion and debate exist human lives will always be improving.
1. Yes we believe questioning God is beyond mans reason and we view this as strength, because we acknowledge our imperfection and Gods perfection.
2. Islam recognises people have sacred matters or things they value with strong sentiments. This consideration does not only encourage debate and discussion but also adds focus to it.
3. We don’t question everything or be sceptical (doubting and questioning). We question what needs to be questioned so to satisfy our instincts and organic needs. Otherwise questioning becomes for its sake and that’s no way progress.
4. Freedom is slogan used by the secularist to appease the oppressed. What kind of society would we be when everybody begins criticising (or insulting) everything. The reality is people are bound by certain thoughts and within those thoughts they discuss.
5. Freedom is used selectively eg on the one hand it is a non-negotiable concept and on the other banning Qur’an or dissent when criticising governments’ foreign policies.
6. For secularist nothing is certain. Everything is up for questioning. That’s way they are always changing. They view changing of laws as a sign of progress. But in reality this has lead to persecution of innocent people. At one time a person is innocent but another the same person is not and vise versa. Who knows if your rights of today will be protected tomorrow?
7. To believe in Scepticsm or Relativism is in itself a contradiction eg I am certain that nothing is certain.
Freedom being fundamental to progress
Islam has produced no thinkers but merely ‘Message-bearers’ people who give information by reiterating statements from their scriptures. The manner in the way they do it is seen as amazing to them! In the present times, the little progress you see is only due to some imitation of the west eg like Dubai and nothing to do with Islam.
When man is fed originality will never take place so he should be free to experiment. These experiments (or trial and error) will no doubt get better and better. The new situation will always be better than the old and this is continues and never ending. This means as we are at present our future will always be better.
1. History is a witness to the vast wealth of Muslim thinkers in every subject matter.
2. Todays Muslim nations do not reflect Islam
3. In fact the decline in Muslim lands is due to secularism. This conflicts directly with the indigenous people who hold a different belief, heritage and history. Eg Turkey (Fundamental Secularist)
4. Secularism was specific to Europeans (Christendoms). The Arabs and those Islam conquered progressed without resorting to secularism. Eg Africa under the rule of Umar Abdul Aziz (ra)
5. Man is need of previous information for progress. Man can never develop thinking just by experimentation.
6. It is due to an ideological criterion by which man permanently progresses not by freedom.
7. Secularism will always carry the baggage of problems since they stem from it ie they are inherent eg social breakdown, boom-bust and trickling effect economy, seeking only material value. While Islam will indeed be better, simply because it will not have these inherent weaknesses and its systems will embrace the science more cohesively.
Freedom of Belief
Islam does not allow a Muslim to revert or convert to another belief by threatening those who do with death! Eg ‘Whoever changes his deen kill him’ How unjust and double standards when it obligates people other faiths and convictions to become Muslim. This has created a society where those who wish not to believe, that’s if they are not killed, being witch hunted or murdered and to live in horrifying circumstances. If there religion was so strong why can’t it convince a person who disbelieves to return without resorting to death penalty.
Our freedom of belief understands and appreciates the nature of humans to have curiosity and to choose to live their lives upon their own convictions and not be forced to believe in something they sincerely do not. We are confident that we can defend our values.
1. Freedoms do not exist is reality. There are boundaries. In every society there are laws, and this law is specific to be implemented by the Islamic authority in an Islamic state. This cannot be implemented by any group or individuals.
2. The rule for apostasy is repentance and not immediate capital punishment. Islam does not just apply the punishment without the strict conditions and the chance of retrieval.
3. Like all punishments they have a function to deter people. This Punishment deters apostasy very strongly
4. The severity of the punishment can be understood by the severity of the cause. Apostasy itself has no place in Islam since it is a rejection and an undermining of the very belief of Islam. It is detrimental to every thing the Islam hold true to. It is more dangerous than treason. Dealing with the apostasy is a vital matter in Islam.
5. Islam gets rid from the root before it become too great to deal with. Like the punishment for the alcoholics that leads to greater crimes and the adultery leading to social decay of the family structure.
6. When a person enters Islam they are certain of capital punishments and if he chooses to disbelieve than he is well aware to keep it to himself (not make it known) or leave the state. Unlike secularism, where nothing remains certain, the laws change due to which group of people run it and the demand-struggle phenomenon.
7. Islam is the basis of the State not a state religion; therefore it should be of no surprise that any undermining of Islam is an undermining of the authority.
8. In Secular societies freedom of belief is restricted to religious beliefs and not personal belief since personal belief can interfere with life. Religious beliefs are separated from life ie to be only concerned with after-life and before-life. However when religious beliefs interfere with life or when personal beliefs (those that contradict secularism) are made known: The secular society acts to protect its secular thoughts.
9. In Secular societies there are ideas or values that can lead to capital punishment, like treason or holding certain beliefs of communism.
[Extracted from a transcript of a talk given by Abu Yusuf al-Karanshi]
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