Muslim First, British Second?
Last week BBC Panorama aired a documentary made by Richard Watson, the BBC appointed expert on terrorism and extremist groups. It was the prelude to what is to come in the strategy of dealing with difficult Muslims that are obstinate in not fully integrating with British Values. What was the stimulus for such a program? The recent sentencing of a man with Asperger’s Syndrome, 22 yrs old, Nicky Reilly and the recent demonstrations against the Israeli action against Gaza.
The government, coinciding with the program, leaked draft policies of how a new direction is going to be initiated, the next stage in suppressing Islamic values code name CONTEST 2. Already at its disposal, it has a multi-prong attack . Funding projects in the local Muslim communities via the councils in holding projects for Muslim Youth, the PVE program and funding those so called Islamic organisations that either call overtly or covertly for liberal, secular values. It appears they have realized that dealing with stopping terrorist attack is not enough but get to the root of the problem, namely, Islamic values. Now, they defend their stance with the word Islamist values, but we are not so gullible to fall for such a pathetic attempt of dividing the followers of the religion of Islam.
Since this project will be targeting “extremists” with “hate-filled ideologies,” I guess it will be useful to know who will now be included in it. Following are some of the concepts that are being targeted:
• They advocate a caliphate, a pan-Islamic state encompassing many countries.
• They promote Sharia law.
• They believe in jihad, or armed resistance, anywhere in the world. This would include armed resistance by Palestinians against Israel
• They argue that Islam bans homosexuality and that it is a sin against Allah.
• They fail to condemn the killing of British soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan.
So this is the new XXL size net to trap or pressurise Muslims who hold these views. I wouldn’t be surprised in the future when CONTEST 3 or 4 comes out they will include those Muslims who are under 25yrs still being virgin, or have not have an STD screening at their local health centre, not registered with the local Pub and lastly not being able to present a white, British man as one of your best friends! (Time to update you facebook friends list) Its absolutely ridiculous! You can see step by step, glorification of terrorism laws were implemented to shut the critics of the War against Terrorism, then came Preventing violent extremism program rolled out in schools and now CONTEST 2 to marginalise those that hold “extremist” views, try hazarding a guess whats going to be next?
This resembles how the British forcefully assimilated the Aborigines in newly colonised Australia in the 19th Century. Sold as being “for their own good”, policies to assimilate Aborigines into British culture went to the extent of defining how the natives brought up their children which included forceful separation of Aboriginal children from their parents. These children became known as ‘the stolen generations’ and are still searching for their families. This British policy is now widely acknowledged as having largely contributed to the destruction of Aboriginal families and society, on 13 August, 1997 a Statement of Apology was issued to the Aborigine people.
In Islamic tradition there is to be no compulsion in deen - i.e. no one is compelled to believe in Islam’s views - whether political, social or spiritual. In an Islamic state, non Muslims would be like any other citizen insofar as they have to obey the law of the land - which is based on Islam. Muslims in Britain are going to be MUSLIMS living in Britain, being pressurised into a political compartment or position is not and will not compel Muslims to relinquish their values or views.
Finally, a quote from Baroness Cox (who chaired the parliamentary screening of Geert Wilders’ film 2 weeks ago), said:“it is not enough for the vast majority of decent, peaceful, law-abiding Muslims to renounce terror in principle: they also need to renounce the view-frequently expressed by Islamists-of an inevitable war between Islam and the rest of the world. If they choose to live in Western liberal democratic societies, they must accept the values of liberal democracy-as Jews, Sikhs, Hindus and others have done for many years.”
[Article taken from]
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