Alhamdulillah (All praises to Allah) an Islamic event was held at Masjidul Rahman where Muslim youths from many different ages and background attended to listen and contribute towards a discussion about what should be the response to the continues attacks on Islam.
The event commenced by qur’an recitation by Sayyed Choudhury, chaired by Jamil Abu Rayyaan and speeches given by Faisul Choudhury and Kamal Abu Zahra.
Faisul, who recently held a teaching post in Jordan, elaborated the evolution and intensity of the attacks on islam which became apparent from 7/7 and the rejection of multiculturalism. The attacks, he says, are now focused on Muslims core emotions: the love of Rasulillah (saws) by the publication of Jewel of Medina, so to make Muslims accept that it is ok to insult and vilify Islam on the grounds of freedom of speech. He explained the background of the book Jewel of Medina and mentioned that regardless of whether it creates more publicity; Islam obligates a response to remove this attack since it is an attack on the Prophet Muhammad (saws). After showing the fallacy and hypocrisy of freedom of speech and the cowardice of the Muslim rulers the speaker concluded that these attacks will continue unless Muslim establish the Islamic State (Al Khilafah), where its mere presence will initially work as a deterrent and if not, it will have its political and military power at its disposal.
The second and final speaker was Kamal, who is currently undertaking a doctorate (PhD) in an Islamic discipline, presented a motivational talk on the struggle of the sahabi Mus’ab ibn Umair (ra). He demonstrated the keenness of this companion of the prophet Muhammad (saws) to be true to his covenant with Allah (swt). A sahabi who was born into a very wealthy family but left all this to make Islam strong and ended his life by defending the Prophet Muhammad (saws) in the battle of Uhud. The speaker enlightens that Mus’ab (ra) was defending Rasulillah (saws) from a physical attack but today in Britain there is an intellectual attack and this requires an intellectual response. He mentioned that the Muslim youth of today, who have time, mobility, strength and zeal, must learn the arguments so to protect Islam from reformation, alteration and slander.
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