Liberalism, as a political theory and ideology, has undoubtedly caused a huge mess for humanity:
Economic liberalism - the maximisation and guarantee for the individuals right to buy and sell including laissez faire markets - has brought near collapse in Western economies. Hundreds of billions are spent in an instant to safeguard the interests of a few thousand wealthy bankers while a protracted political debate lasting years holds up vital and necessary minimum healthcare services for tens of million in poverty in rich America.
Social liberalism – the exhortation and over emphasis of freedom and individualism - above all else has created a selfish, egotistical and cruel society. These propogated non-cohesive values have resulted in facilitating social breakdown and family meltdown. This social disaster is widespread with the massive harmful effects on women, families and the young conveniently disregarded. The wellbeing of the old and treatment of the weak and vulnerable is shameful being conditional on economic growth or maximising the returns of the rich.
The exportation of liberalism to the Middle East and the Muslim world has brought a brutal foreign policy with Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Hundreds of thousands have been killed, tens of millions displaced and made refugees and the military resistance to American occupation continues 5 years on in Iraq and 7 years on in Afghanistan. Enough said on the so-called desire for democracy in the Muslim world.
European states share America’s economic and social ills, as evidenced by the current financial crisis and the increasing social malaise. This shows the underlying problems are the values underpinning western societies. Politicians on the left and right vigorously fight over subtle policy differences to divert attention from the failing liberal values which go unaddressed.
[Extracted from the article ‘Obama: New President, Same Values, No Change’, by Hamza Tzortzis]
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