The fervent debate surrounding the term “Broken Society” has been quite revealing. [David] Cameron refers to it as the “the angry, harsh culture of incivility that seems to be all around us”. The phrase has come under some scrutiny from commentators inside and outside his party. Boris Johnson was distinctly off-message when he referred to “Broken Society” as “piffle” preferring instead to cast the medal winners from the Beijing Olympics as a symbol of what’s right with Britain.
Despite his detractors, Cameron chose to reiterate this concept albeit with a certain amount of reinvention at his recent conference speech. Problematic terms such as “Hug a Hoodie” were out in favour of a more causal introspection of the defined ills of society with the emphasis on “encouraging responsibility and discouraging irresponsibility”. However, the elixir he offered was still the same: a return to family-based society with marriage at its core. A society where the culture of welfare dependency is eradicated and social responsibility is the norm.
The restoration of marriage and family values are certainly ideals which find moral and political currency with many people especially those from religiously-minded communities. However in examining the raison d’être for the breakdown of society Cameron has failed to underpin the essential ingredients of why British society today has found itself wanting. The panacea alluded to stops well short of identifying the real contributory influences in this debate.
No mention is made of the role of an underlying greed and individualism that permeates all levels of society. This is just as true of a rich secure family as it is of a single parent family from a council estate. The real reason that Britain is broken is because it manifests an individualism that transcends social class or family background. The values that pushes a “Hoodie” to manifest anti-social, selfish and destructive behaviour in our streets are not that different to the values displayed by city “short sellers” who exhibited the same selfish and destructive tendencies in bringing down some of the best known institutions in the country. The tools for breaking society may be different but the results are still the same.
Cameron has knowingly or unknowingly opened a Pandora’s Box. British society’s current social ills need to be understood from their root causes and happen to be far more profound than what he has alluded to thus far. Similarly the cures for these ills cannot be conveniently folded into an array of traditional conservative values that appeal just to his party constituents. The role of fundamental values such as greed and individualism are essential in understanding why society is broken. After all these traits do permeate all levels of society, something the Tory party may find distinctly unpalatable.
[Article written by Riaz Hassan]
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